Phillip Lazaro, a Filipino comedian, and filmmaker died on Monday, July 11, at the age of 51. The death of Lazaro was initially reported by the local website GMA News Online, which verified the news through Lazaro’s nephew Chico Lazaro Alinell. The nephew allegedly went to Lazaro’s house the day before his death and discovered that the late-middle-aged comic was having trouble breathing. It has also been stated that Lazaro died as a result of various organ failures. However, the underlying cause of organ failure is not currently recognized. GMA News Online also said that Lazaro’s family plans to share more information regarding his death and hold a memorial service in his honor shortly.
Phillip Lazaro (Felicisimo Saavedra Lazaro) was a Filipino comedian who later became a director and actor. He is well-known for his involvement in ventures such as Bawal na game show and Prima Donnas. According to The Manila Times, the late 51-year-old worked as a stand-up comedian at The Library Comedy Bar & Restaurant in Manila.
According to his IMDb page, Lazaro began his acting career in 1995 with a one-time short appearance in a local TV series called Villa Quintana. From the mid-1990s until the early 2000s, the seasoned comic played similar parts in Filipino TV series. After a nearly decade-long absence from acting, he returned to such jobs in 2009. He appears as PR in over 50 episodes of That’s My Amboy in 2016. His most recent performance was on Nagbabagang luha in 2021, when he played Phillip in five episodes. Lazaro has featured in about 30 productions during the course of his 25-year career.
Lazaro has also directed a number of productions over his career. Among these are 63 episodes of TV5’s Filipino game show, Bawal ang game show. From 2020 to 2021, he apparently helmed a few episodes of the program. In addition, he was the director of Dear Uge for four episodes. Phillip Lazaro directed the TV film 3/3 in 2019. Meanwhile, Lazaro worked as a second-unit director on movies such as Nagbabagang Luha and 2022’s Widows’ Web.
Following his passing, many family members, friends, and acquaintances sent their respects on social media. Meanwhile, Chico Lazaro Alinell, Lazaro’s nephew, turned to Facebook to pay tribute to the late comedian and filmmaker. A few tweets recalled Lazaro’s involvement with stand-up comedy at The Library. Others praised his work as a director as well.
Rest in peace Direk Phillip Lazaro 🙏😔 it was great to have worked with you, both as a director and an actor
— Gil Cuerva (@gilcuerva) July 11, 2022
RIP Phillip Lazaro. He was a Dazer. He attended the Good Friday activity and lent his voice for my anak’s batch. Thank you and BIMK.
— Z E (@attyhazl) July 11, 2022